Study participation benefits YOU as a patient. Your participation advances the field of medicine; gives you access to first rate medical care; gives you an avenue to new and different treatment options; gives you access to current drugs in new combinations; and in some medical cases, may offer a "treatment of last resort" when other medical options have been exhausted. You also receive compensation for participating in our clinical trials.

Clinical trials provide you access to new drugs, old drugs in new combinations, and devices before they are available in pharmacies.

Our offices are generally involved in later phase studies. These types of trials help define the exact effectiveness, as well as the often mild and rare side effects of new drugs by trying them in large segments of the population having the appropriate medical condition under study.

If you suffer from a disease in which there are limited successful treatment options, participating in a clinical trial may not only offer better treatment for you, but it may improve the future of care for others with the same condition.

Participation in clinical trials provides top notch medical care as set forth in a protocol. Study-related and study-appropriate procedures such as laboratory testing, ECGs, ultrasounds, mammograms, etc. are performed at no cost to you or your insurance. 

You also receive compensation for participating in a clinical trial. Why not? We value your time and effort in making a difference in Women's Health.